Praise Band Concert Raises the Roof! (3/12/17)
It was a Sunday evening. Most of us had already gone to church that morning. But on Sunday 3/12/17 nearly 200 local Methodists gathered at PUMC for a Praise and Worship Concert. The silent auction before the concert and the love offering taken during the concert will be donated to our friends in La Palmilla Mexico to help them complete the construction of their new sanctuary. We are sending a mission team to LaPalmilla this summer (July 22-August 1). For years, this thriving church has been...
Read MoreChoirs to Present Annual Cantata: Adore (12/18/16)
For the past gazillion years, the choir or choirs at our church have presented a service of worship through words and music (i.e., Cantata). It’s always been presented on the Sunday before Christmas… at 4:15 PM. Yes, 4:15 PM! No clue where that time came from, but… It’s Tradition! It always happens! And so another Christmas is upon us. Tradition! It always happens! But is that all it is??? Habit? Tradition? Christmas isn’t only a tradition; It’s an...
Read MoreChurches Band Together- Music for Missions (4/10/16)
Music; it’s a gift from God. God gave us music so we could give it back to Him. We use it to teach, to worship, to praise. And, we also use it to support our efforts to feed the hungry and to house the poor. On the evening of Sunday April 10, several local Methodist churches got together to present a concert to raise funds for our mission to La Palmilla Mexico. For many years, the limited financial resources of the church in this town have not been able to reach their boundless love...
Read MoreChoirs set to Lead Palm Sunday Worship (3/20/16)
Can it be Palm Sunday already? Didn’t we just celebrate or Lord’s birth??? Yes- we’re there. The Lord is coming! On Sunday March 20, we will “sing hosanna” to our Savior by worshiping in music. During both services, our Choirs and Praise Team will lead a musical journey through Holy Week. Traditional hymns and contemporary praise music will be sung by the choirs. The music to be “presented” will be familiar to most of the congregation, so sing...
Read MoreChoirs Shine the Light of Christ during Cantata (12/13/15)
Our choirs and praise team presented our annual candelight Christmas Cantata on the afternoon of Sunday December 13. The title of the cantata was “A Light Still Shines.” Here are portions of the forward which is provided in the book: Christmas is a modern day miracle of ancient origin. Two thousand years of human history have not diminished the importance nor the implications of the Incarnation and the joy of that event will resound for millennia to come. As we celebrate the...
Read MoreChoirs Present “The Seven Last Words” in Palm Sunday Cantata (3/29/15)
Palm Sunday is usually viewed as a joyous time of celebration; the King is arriving into the Holy City. But we quickly discover that the Holy City rejected and crucified this King instead of celebrating and worshiping Him. And so it’s appropriate that Palm Sunday finds us looking at the Seven Last Words of Christ. The choir led our Palm Sunday service by continuing Pastor Jim’s theme of Christ’s Seven Last Words on the Cross. Along with narration and scripture readings, the...
Read MorePUMC Records “Prepare the Way” Video (12/18/14)
During our Choir Rehearsal last Thursday (12/18/14), The Voices in Praise stepped into the “recording studio” with Lee Whittaker and recorded a rendition of his hit “Prepare the Way.” This song is especially appropriate as we consider the “Colors of Christmas” and how we’ve been reminded that we must constantly prepare our lives and hearts for the arrival of Christ. Not only for His 2nd coming, but also for His ever-available touch on our day to day...
Read MoreChoirs Prepare 2014 Christmas Cantata (12/21/14)
Wasn’t it just the Fourth of July?Well, it’s not summer anymore and we’re nearing the wonderful time of the Christmas season. For the past few Thursdays, the Voices in Praise choir has begun to rehearse some of the pieces that will make up our 2014 Christmas cantata. Cantata rehearsals continue to ramp up throughout the month. If you’re interested in joining with the choir to sing in this year’s cantata, drop by on Thursday night. Rehearsals start at 7:00 PM...
Read MoreChoir Returns to the Loft this Sunday! (9/21/14)
The “Voices in Praise” (our adult choir) will make their 2014-2015 season debut this Sunday (September 21)! We’ve been away for the summer, but we return to use our voices to praise God during the 11 AM worship services. The “choir season” runs from September through June (about 42 weeks). We will sing the offertory during the 11 AM service, and our anthem will be “Behold Our God.” Check out the following video for a preview…...
Read MoreVoices in Praise Choir to Resume Rehearsals on Sept. 18
We’re still in the thick of summer, but if you’re an adult who likes to sing, keep in mind that the first choir rehearsals of the season are just over the horizon. The first rehearsal of the 2014-2015 season will be on Thursday September 18, at 7:00 PM. We rehearse on Thursday nights throughout the season (September through June). The Voices in Praise choir is open to ages High School and above. We sing during the 11:00 service. Our first Sunday of the season will be on Sunday...
Read MoreChoir Completes ’13-’14 Season (7/6/14)
The Voices in Praise Choir completed its 2013 – 2014 choir season this Sunday with a rendition of “O Glorious Day.” Rehearsals started back in September, and we were in the loft and singing anthems during most of the 42 Sundays between September and this past Sunday (July 6). The Year in Review… During this year, we sang three cantatas. Our usual Christmas cantata was on December 22, and it was entitled “A Festival of Carols.” We sang...
Read MoreChoirs to Lead Services on June 22 (6/22/14)
The choirs and praise team will lead both services on June 22. Using music, narration, and the Word, the choirs will lead us through a journey celebrating our church’s heritage and history. But more than a look into the past, we will celebrate how God has always been faithful to us. As written in the letter to the Hebrews, we are surrounded by a “great cloud of witnesses.” As we enter this transition period between pastors, we will look to the past so we can...
Read MorePalm Sunday 2014- Grace Present, Past, and Future (3/13/14)
Abounding Grace… The choirs presented an entire musical service for Palm Sunday (April 20, 2014). The service opened with the traditional singing of “The Palms”, as children weaved between the pews to welcome the Savior into our midst. As we’ve seen in our recent Lenten devotional series, we are surrounded by God’s grace; unmerited favor. Grace that draws us near to God, grace that leads us to accept God, grace that makes us more like Him. The musical...
Read MorePalm Sunday Cantata: “Grace- Past, Present, and Future” (4/13/14)
Grace… On Palm Sunday morning (April 13),the members of the music program will present a Sunday worship service filled with grace! This Lenten Season, our church family has been reading through the devotional, “Forty Days of Fruitful Living: Practicing a Life of Grace.” On Palm Sunday, as we gather together to worship, we will celebrate the grace that is ours in Jesus Christ. By His death and resurrection, we are free to live a life of grace. Grace- God becomes human and...
Read MoreAnnual Christmas Cantata (12/22/13)
Concert of Carols Our choirs and praise teams will present our 83rd annual Christmas Cantata on Sunday 12/22 at the traditional time of 4:15 PM. The cantata is entitled “Concert of Carols”. The “Christmas Story”isn’t just a “story.” It is redeeming love come to earth in Jesus Christ our Savior. Over the years, musicians have tried to celebrate and capture this message of God’s saving grace come to earth as a babe. Our church “Candelight...
Read MoreChoir Season Resumes (9/15/13)
The Voices in Praise (“senior choir”) will return to the loft on Sunday Sept. 15.
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