Trunk or Treat Opens Glimmers of Light! (10/24/20)
Because of the pandemic, our annual Trunk or Treat was held as a “socially distanced” drive-thru event. Throughout the afternoon, about 400 people enjoyed the decorated trunks, friendly waves, and… bags of candy.
Read MoreBlue Box Bridges Social Distance (6/1/20)
During the pandemic, essential items such as toothpaste, soap, and hygiene products can be hard to obtain. The Women’s Group has set up a “Soap and Such” box on our porch. It is stocked with toiletry items which are available to anyone in need. Take what you need, share what you can.
Read MoreDrive By Parade Celebrates Preschool Grads! (5/11/20)
Because of the pandemic, we were unable to hold a graduation ceremony for our preschool class of 2020. So, we formed a parade and drove to each child’s neighborhood! With sirens waling and horns honking, we congratulated our Pre-K grads by giving them a personalized lawn sign. Congratulations class of 2020!
Read MoreEaster Still Flowers Despite Coronavirus!
Despite the Coronavirus, Easter IS coming! Two of our Easter traditions are Daffodils and Lilies, and we are still going to be blessed by them this Easter. This post includes the order forms and instructions on how to order and receive your flowers.
Read MorePUMC Preparing 11th Annual Easter Egg Hunt! (4/11/20)
Our 11th annual Easter Egg Hunt is in the works, and it will be held on Saturday April 11, 2020. It will be a great morning of food, fun, and Eggs!
Read MorePUMC Hosts American Red Cross Blood Drive (1/31/20)
PUMC is hosting the American Red Cross on Friday January 31 for their blood drive. It will be held between 2PM to 7PM. See this post for more details and information on how to register.
Read MoreMitten Tree Lights up a Cold Night! (1/1/20)
We’re collecting new knitted items which can be donated to the Camden Neighborhood Center (in early January). If you have some mittens, a scarf, hat, or other knitted item that you’d like to donate, the mitten tree awaits.
Read MorePreschool to Provide Coats to the Needy (1/31/20)
We’re collecting “gently used coats” for men, women and children. These coats will be given to needy people throughout Gloucester County.
Read MorePreschool Tells the Story of Christmas (12/12/19)
On 12/12/19 and again during our 9:30 service on Sunday Dec. 15, the Pre-K kids of Our Father’s House presented their annual Christmas Pageant; The True Story of Christmas. Over 50 children filled our chancel area and led the congregation with narration, motion, and music.
Read MoreChristmas Star Tree to Brighten the Day for Local Kids (12/21/19)
A special Christmas tree is located in our Narthex. Many Christmas Trees adorn our church this time of year, but this tree isn’t just there for decoration. The Star Tree is there to provide some peace for families who can’t afford to give their children Christmas Gifts this year. If you can help,or if you need help, find out more about our Star Tree.
Read MorePUMC Welcomes Parade Viewers (11/30/19)
A special welcome to those who attended the 2019 Santa Parade in downtown Pitman! Here’s an update on what’s happening at PUMC during this special Advent Season.
Read MoreThread & Yarn Groups Reach Out with Warm Hugs (11/10/19)
Our Thread and Yarn ministries dedicated their latest collection of knitted and crocheted items during Generosity Sunday (11/10/19).
Read MorePreschool Jumps into Fall Activities (October 2019)
The beginning of the new school year has arrived, and Our Father’s House is rolling out the red carpet to welcome our 2019-2020 students and families. A slate of mission projects and activities is under way. Here are a few of the highlights happening during the next month or so… September Missions Project Our September Mission Project is to collect boxed cereal and to donate them to the Pitman Food Pantry. So far, we’ve collected 70 boxes of cereal to help feed...
Read MorePUMC Helps SERV Bring Peace to Survivors of Violence
One of the offshoots of the fire which destroyed our downtown building in 2003, is that our rebuilt church is a modern facility which can be offered to the many groups needing meeting space. Being a “community center” and providing meeting space allows us to assist organizations who are providing ministries which go beyond our own expertise. By partnering with outside organizations in this small way, we have been helping people who are dealing with problems such as addictions,...
Read MoreWomen Suplement Summer Lunches (6/2019)
The United Methodist Women are collecting toiletries that will be offered to Pitman residents as part of the First Presbyterian Church’s Summer Lunch Program. Drop your donations in the “Love Your Neighbors” box in the narthex.
Read MorePreschool Class of ’19 Graduates and Marks one Decade of OFH! (5/29/19)
PUMC’s Preschool, Our Father’s House, held their 4 year old graduation ceremony on Wednesday May 29. This graduation also marked the Tenth Year of OFH’s operation. Here’s a look at the graduation and at the last decade.
Read MoreFrom Palms to Eggs- Easter 2019’s Schedule of Events (4/14 – 4/21)
Easter is on the way! Beginning with Jesus’ Triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and ending with His resurrection on Easter Sunday, we are celebrating this Holiest of Weeks. Here’s a summary of the events and services that we are holding.
Read MoreOur Father’s House Keeps on Building! (Jan-March 2019)
In addition to learning about ABCs, Our Father’s House has been busy collecting food for the pantry and visiting the residents at the Pitman Manor. Check out some pictures and more information about what our preschool has been doing so far this year.
Read MoreMary Circle to Serve Souper Eggcitement! (3/17/19)
From Soup to Nuts, the Mary Circle of our United Methodist Women is getting us ready for St. Patrick’s Day and Easter.
Read MoreFood Pantry Fills God’s Call During the Shutdown
During the current government shutdown, the Pitman Food Pantry continues to help families make ends meet.
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