Running on Empty (4/8/18)
Easter is over. All of the plans, dinners, and holidays are finished. It’s time to get back to normal. But what was “Normal” for the disciples? They were totally drained. Worn out by worry and fear. Doesn’t that happen to us? Do we sometimes feel that we’re running on fumes?
Pastor Jim’s service on the 2nd Sunday in Easter 2018 shows us how Jesus fills up our tank.
Choirs Present Love on Palm Sunday! (3/25/18)
On Palm Sunday (March 11, 2018) the choirs presented a musical cantata entitled “Here is Love.” When Jesus willingly entered Jerusalem to present Himself as our sacrifice for sin, on that first Palm Sunday, God’s love was on display in a way that it had never been seen before.
Read MoreArea Worship Teams Join in Concert for La Palmilla (3/11/18)
On Sunday March 11, 2018 , we hosted a “Praise Band Concert.” The concert gave us a chance to worship in music, to fellowship, and to support our sister church in La Palmilla, Mexico.
Read MoreSuperbowl Sunday, Superstrong Suit! (2/4/18)
Sunday February 4, 2018. It’s a date that most of us will remember; it was a big day for PUMC. Pastor Jim returned from his surgery, we celebrated Superbowl Sunday, AND (after church)- we watched our Philadelphia Eagles beat the New England Patriots to win their first Super Bowl! But our faith is more than one big day; it’s lived out day to day…
Read MoreLenten Devotional for 2018
Lent is a time of preparation. Several local churches have put together a devotional booklet that will help you prepare for Resurrection
Day. Visit this post daily to read each day’s inspirational article.
Ash Wednesday Service on Valentines Day! (2/14/18)
We are holding an Ash Wednesday service this year. It happens to fall on February 14,which is known for reasons other than Ash Wednesday. And yet, isn’t God’s offer of salvation an act of love that demands our introspection and repentance? So instead of a fancy dinner, maybe a service of prayer and worship on the evening of Valentine’s Day really is appropriate. Here are the details about Wednesday 2/14/18… No Ashes- it will be a service of prayer and reflection...
Read MoreDaily Bible Reading Plans for 2018 are Ready! (12/23/17)
Reading the Bible every day is an important habit, but sometimes we need a little help.
This page presents several “Chapter-a-Day” Bible reading plans. Pick one out, Print it out, and join in the fruitful habit of tasting a bit of God’s word every day.
PUMC’s Biggest Christmas Mysteries Explained!
Christmas surrounds us with a lot of symbols… and mysteries. What’s a Chrismon? Why are the Gifts White? And- why does the cantata always start at 4:15?!? Learn the answers to these three biggest PUMC Christmas Tradition Mysteries!
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 7 of 7
“The Hallelujah Chorus”… this seventh and final chorus in “The Messiah” reminds us that our Gentle Shepherd will lead us into the very presence of God. Life is eternal, heaven is glorious, and God will win. And it’s all because of this “child that was born unto us”…
Read MoreWorship on the Mornings of the Eves (12/24/17 & 12/31/17)
On the morning of Sunday Dec. 24 and Jan. 31, we will only hold one service (at 10:15 AM). Rev. Jim Hughes will lead our morning worship service on Sunday 12/24. Our service on Sunday 12/31 will feature an informal “carol sing.”
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 6 of 7
“His Yoke is Easy and His Burthen is Light”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. Not only is a King coming, but so is our Shepherd. This sixth chorus reminds us that our Shepherd is “meek and lowly” and will lead us if we follow Him. Commit to Him. Be “yoked” with Him, and you shall find rest “unto your soul.”
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 5 of 7
“Glory to God”… If you were an angel, what would you like to say the most? If you’re anything like the angels that appeared to announce Christ’s birth, you’d shout out “Glory to God!!!” Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues by looking at the 5th of the 7 choruses.
Read MorePUMC to Welcome the Christ in 2017 (December, 2017)
Christmas 2017 is on the way! How are you going to prepare this year? One way is to take advantages of some of our opportunities of fellowship, service, and worship that are scheduled for this Advent Season.
View this post to see our 2017 Advent Schedule.
Countdown to “The Messiah”: Week 4 of 7
“For Unto Us a Child is Born”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. In the cantata’s third chorus, the angels appeared to the shepherds saying that they bring “good tidings.” In this fourth chorus, we hear what those tidings are: “For Unto Us a Child is Born”…
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 3 of 7
“O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings”… Our countdown to our 12/17/17 presentation of Handel’s Messiah continues. The third chorus in “The Messiah” brings us to the angels: the ones who brought “Good Tidings” to the shepherds.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 2 of 7
“And He Shall Purify”… On December 17 2017 our choir will be joined by other local choirs to present Part 1 of Handel’s The Messiah. This will be our annual Christmas Cantata (which will be held at the traditional time of 4:15 PM… in our sanctuary). The Tapestry String Quartet along with our own Sue Crispin will play the accompaniment. Jack Rowland will pull everything together by directing the music. The “Christmas Part” of Handel’s famous...
Read MoreChoirs to Present Handel’s Messiah! (12/17/17)
Our choir will be joined by other choral groups from the area to present Handel’s powerful oratorio, “The Messiah.” It will be held in our sanctuary on Sunday 12/17/17 at 4:15PM.
Read MoreCountdown to “The Messiah”: Week 1 of 7
“And the Glory of the Lord”… On December 17 2017 our choir will be joined by other local choirs to present Part 1 of Handel’s The Messiah. This will be our annual Christmas Cantata (which will be held at the traditional time of 4:15 PM… in our sanctuary). The Tapestry String Quartet along with our own Sue Crispin will play the accompaniment. Jack Rowland will pull everything together by directing the music. The “Christmas Part” of Handel’s...
Read MorePUMC Stepping into Generosity (11/12/17)
We’re “Blessed to be a Blessing.” That’s the title of a song the choir often sings. How are we blessed? Or, maybe more importantly, what or whom do we bless??? In order for us to grow as Christians, to whom do we need to give? Finance Committee? The Budget? The Church? God? Finance Committee Nah! The Budget Nah! The Methodist Church, inc Nah! God! Yes! But what does that mean? We give to “be partakers in the building of the Kingdom.” But what does THAT...
Read MoreDavid Meece Testifies of New Rainbows! (10/14/17)
Renowned singer /songwriter David Meece performed “In Concert” at our church on Saturday Oct. 14, 2017. In many ways, it was like any other concert by a “celebrity.” Before the “show”, there was a table full of CDs in the lobby and bashful young ladies had the chance to meet the “star” backstage. When David took the “stage” he opened with a rousing performance of “Raise These Arms,” getting everyone to clap their hands and...
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