758 North Broadway, Pitman NJ 08071 (856-589-8313)

Welcome to Pitman United Methodist Church!


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(Click on the scrolling text for more info)

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In addition to using the menus and sidebar links, you can click these buttons to access frequently used areas of the website…

Welcome Live Stream    Bulletin  
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What are  we up to?

Below are the posts that are currently featured. Click on the post’s title to learn more…

Bible Study Connects Malachi to Matthew (9/11/24)

Open Wide for Trunk or Treat! (10/26/24)

PUMC to Host County Flu Clinic (10/12/24)

Let Catacomb Praise Recharge Your Week!

PUMC Welcomes Pastor Mike as our New Senior Pastor! (7/7/24)

PUMC’s Rays of Life Arrive in Ukraine! (3/14/24)

ShopRite Gift Cards Help Break the Cycle of Poverty!


Who Are We?

Here are some of the people of PUMC.  Click on the photo to learn more about what they’re doing…



Why are We Here?

A group of PUMC’ers put together the below video to show the purpose of our church and to illustrate what we’re doing to fulfill that purpose.  As indicated by the organization of this website’s menu bar, PUMC exists to share in a journey where we Know, Grow, and Go.  To Know about Christ and the fundamentals of our relationship with God.  To Grow in relationship with God.  To Go beyond our doors to share the fruits of that relationship with all of God’s people.